Define ic

What is IC

The IC is a small electronics component its full form is "Integrated circuit", it also known by Chip, Microchips, and Micro electronics circuits. The IC is the life of any digital appliances or equipment, because our Mobile, Laptop, Computer, have based on IC.

The IC is basically combination of many electronics components such as Capacitor, Diode, Resistor, Transistor, etc.

In easy words that IC is a complete circuit in itself, means if we make a circuit by using electronic component then circuit will be big in size, so we made IC by using very small component and reduce electronics circuit, because IC is the small and very thin. For this we can use digital technology in our hand, such as cell phone, laptop, and etc.

Did you know that long ago when the first computer was invented the computer needed a lot of space, like 2-3 rooms, because at that time we not did have IC, we had making electronics circuits by big components, but now we've reduced the size of the components to the point that we've made an entire circuit an IC, and long ago the circuit that used to take the size of a room, now the same circuit has in our hands or bags, the technology has come a long way.

Types of IC

We have many types of ICs because any equipment perform different work, for this any equipment needs different types of IC, and everyone factories design own IC on own way, so every ICs has different work and different pins, because any IC has different electronics circuit inside.

The different IC has different pin means some ICs has 8 pin and some has 12 pin, and some 14, 16, 24, 48, pins, and also some ICs has 100-200 pins which we called processor or microchip.

The processor also is the type of IC


ICs shape

You can easily watch the shape and size of ICs.

Some ICs has already under programmed but some ICs requires of program so in these ICs we transfer the program from the computer itself, just like we transfer data from computer to memory card, similarly transfer data from computer to IC, like memory card connect to computer by help of card reader, same we have a IC programmer device which help to connect IC to computer.


IC programmerWe insert our IC in this device and this device is connected to the computer via USB cable, and we need ICs programmer software in our computer, with the help of this software we can easily transfer data or program to IC according to our work, , which is what we want to do through IC. 

How to identify IC pins

We can easily identify pins of any ICs with help of IC datasheet, and datasheet can get by Internet, if you want check datasheet of any ICs then only you put IC number and quickly get datasheet.

Suppose:- we have a IC #555

So we write on Google only like this;

"555 IC datasheet" then we check datasheet of IC, the datasheet sheet give complete details, such IC pin numbers, which pin what do work, and etc.

But this remember that pins always read in this way


The many types of ICs has available in the market, which we can use in our project on own choice.


The 555 IC typically used in timer circuit, but it we can use in our other project, such as LED flasher, Piano, etc.

The IC mostly useful component it you can see in every circuit, because it perform very big rule in electronics. You see that IC is present in such as Voltage stabilizer, Battery charger, laptop, mobile, also DC fans, etc.