Some most useful Si units of Electrical
Some most useful Si units of Electrical

We have needs to a specific unit for any measurements, which can easily specify to anything by its unit.

The Si units is widely used, such as every where most common Si units that everyone can easily understand.

So we will discuss about some electrical units which is mostly used in electrical engineering,

The some electrical units are following.

1- Volt
2- Ampere
3- Watt
4- Ohms
5- Hertz
6- Farad
7- Columb
8- Henry
9- Horse power
10- Magnetic flux 

     1- Volt

The "Volt" is used for measure electrical potential difference, and also "Voltage" and "EMF" called to electrical potential.

The unit of voltage denoted by "V", and it check by volt meter, the volt meter always used in parallel. 

 2- Current

The Ampere is the unit of electrical current it used for measure electrical current and "ion flow",  the "ion flow" also called to electrical current,

The unit of current denoted by letter "i", and the current check by "Ampere" meter, the Ampere or current meter always used in series, and also series meter called to Ampere meter.

3- Watt

The Watt is the unit of electrical power it used for measure electrical power.

The unit of power denoted by letter "W” and the power check by "Watt" meter, the watt meter always used in parallel but like this diagram.

watt meter connection diagram

 4- Ohm

The Ohm is the unit of resistance it used for measure resistivity, the resistance basically opposite flow of the free electrons or current, means it resist to current from flowing, for this we use ohm meter for measure resistance of any wire or equipment which is unit is "Ohm".

The unit of resistance denoted by this symbol "Ω", and it check by this way.

ohm meter connection diagram

5- Hertz

The Hertz is the unit of frequency it used for frequency checking in any circuit.

The unit of frequency denoted by letter "Hz", and the frequency check by "Hertz" meter, the Hertz meter always used in parallel.

6- Farad

The Farad is the unit of capacitance it used for measure the capacitance of capacitors.

The unit of Farad denoted by letter "F”, and the Farad check by "Capacitance multimeter", the capacitance meter always used in parallel.

 7- Columb

The columb is the unit of electrical charge it used for measure electrical charge, when one ampere current flow for one second it will equal to one columb.

The unit of Columb denoted by letter "C", and also its meter exist which measure the electrostatic charge.

8- Henry

The Henry is the unit of inductance it used for measure coil inductance.

The unit of inductance denoted by letter "H”, and the inductance check by "Henry" meter, the Henry meter always used in parallel of coil.

 9- HP

The Hp is the unit of electrical power it basically used for measure to electrical Motor power, because Motor rating always in Hp.

The full form of Hp is "Horse power", and the Horse power denoted by "hp", it can't measure by any meter, it always measure by electrical Watts meter, when the 1Hp is equal to 746 watts.

10- Weber

The Weber is the unit of magnetic flux it used for measure magnetic flux in the motor and transformer windings, the unit of magnetic flux denoted by this symbol "Φ" or Wb.

The magnetic flux measure by calculation.